Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Let's start at the very beginning...

It's a very good place to start.


Thanks for the read.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Republicans have Obama Envy!

And bad.

There's not one substantive issue or event, short of a nuclear blast in the middle of Omaha, that will divert the world's positive attention away from President Obama. Most people, according to most polls, absolutely love the guy.

Sure, he didn't get all the stimulus goodies he and one-eyed Gordon tried to foist off on the Europeans; and a Pied Piper he's not when it came to recruiting "foreign" troops for all that unpleasantness in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Nevermind his tiresome, especially irritating inability to tell the truth about American cold war history during his big mea culpa speech in Prague. It was interesting to me that the audience there was so receptive, considering their parents' nightmarish lives with the Soviet Union. Indeed, I'm sure there were many generational arguments over Czech dinner tables of vodka, cabbage and carp when the kids said they thought socialism was okay. Old fogies know nothing, after all.

Then we see the next day that the Turks fell in love with him when once again he apologized for America's existence, explaining our country's origins as I've never quite heard them from an American president: he instructed the Muslim town hall audience that we are a nation of citizens who have come together as such, i.e., as citizens, not as Judeo Christians, but as seculars, which is, of course, a huge lie.

Words means things. He said so himself, I think maybe in Paris. I wish he would re-read America's Declaration of Independence. God is mentioned a lot therein.

No matter. Most Americans don't seem to care about such unimportant factoids. Why? Because they were relegated to unimportance in our union-heavy, left-leaning educational system which insists on rewriting history and sinking the Judeo Christian aspect of our nation's origins forever. It's called re-education. After forty or so years of it, we've got an entire generation who 1) doesn't care and 2) doesn't know any better.

This nescience has gifted us with more of a preoccupation of Michelle Obama, her children and her fabulous pearls and J. Crew numbers than Sharia Law. Don't be silly. It could never happen here. That only happens in countries like, well...like Afghanistan, wherever the hell that is.

This morning we hear the president has dropped in on our troops in Iraq for a few hours. I think he refrained from mentioning the major cuts in military spending coming up. Big cuts that mean about 100 thousand jobs cut. Just as important are the defense machines being cut--missile defense. But then, when Obama's non-nuclear world is realized we won't need no stinking missile defense.

It seems there's really not much that the Republicans--especially the current rather lackluster ones--can do to stop all of this excitement--other than just wait and remember that the infatuation ends eventually. And vote no as many times as possible.

Sometimes being a Republican is no fun at all, especially if you live in Omaha.

Thanks for the read.