Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sanford: Another Republican man in power bites the dust

You know, as a Repubican woman, I can only say I'm sick of these men in our party who continue to carry us down the river to ignominy. The opposition is entirely correct in calling us hypocrites.

One of the reasons our party is in trouble is precisely due to men like Governor Sanford, whose sickening mea culpa I am now witnessing, cannot somehow find it in themselves to stay faithful to their wives. Currently, he is pontificating about God's law and sin. He also is suggesting that this news conference (the one right now) is his payback.

No it isn't, Gov. You've lost everything--not to mention maybe the White House, Dumbass. Hope it was worth it.

I suggest the cheaters simply do what Rudi did: out and out infidelity--in your face cheating and take the consequences. At least Rudi is not a hypocrite.

Again, a Republican man has cheated and we suffer. I'm sick of them and I want them out of party leadership.

Thanks for the read.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Maybe today isn't a good time to quit smoking, Mr President

Asked about smoking, Obama replies: "First of all, the new law that was put in place is not about me...I think it's fair to say...that you just think it's neat to ask me about my smoking, as opposed to it being relevant" to the law.

Fallen off the wagon? "Yes. Am I a daily smoker, a constant smoker? No...I would say I am 95 percent cured, but there are times when I mess up." (1:10 p.m.) Politico. Com 6/22/09

Psst...Sir...Mr. President! Over here.

Little testy, aren't we? I mean, you really need to tone down the pissant number. Snarky is as snarky does, after all. All that passive-aggression on foreign policy must be slipping through.

You know, it's tough to quit smoking, tougher to stay quit. God knows I quit at least a hundred times before I finally stopped. Ask any ex-smoker how tough it is...

But, trying to quit right now, while the entire world is on your shoulders? Do you really think now is a good time to quit smoking, what with North Korea and Iran, Afghanistan, Paki...I don't know, I'm just saying.

Try the patch. That finally worked for me.

Oh! And good luck. It's a bear.

Thanks for the read.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Obama's first major foreign policy failure: Iran

President Obama's basic squishy nature and fear of not being liked has become most obvious as he squanders the opportunity to possible revolution and regime change in Iran at most, or great societal movement and evolution toward change at least, by remaining cool and instead telling off color jokes at a dinner with his media pals.

I expect his numbers to fall concurrent with his delay in acknowledging and giving outright support to the brave Iranian street protesters. It is a supremely un-American that this president is this mum,, above it all, uninvolved...disengaged. I don't recall this language and tone since the Carter administration. It is hard to listen to.

In one of his early missives he compares the Iranian situation to the American Civil Rights movement and even quotes Martin Luther King.

I didn't get the correlation (because there isn't any), but I suspect the Obama people were (attempting to) inferring legitimacy on the Iranian Regime--like it was the United States government--thus strengthening the Obama statement so they can "deal" with their nuclear program, which is what he's been talking about since his campaign. Gosh. He's just gotta talk with these show talking works, I guess, to make his point!

What all this is really about is Obama's narcissism and belief that he can take his shining personality into Iran and save the Middle East. He's seeing that go away on a daily basis and his fantasy is fading with each protester's realization that this freedom thing is worth dying for.

Barack Obama is shockingly silent to the point of world wide embarrassment when the very subject about which he should be the vanguard, the subject matter expert, the go-to guy, the ONE, is playing golf. Merkel, Sarkozy and Brown are all on board in strength with Iran's protesters and each had stunning statements.

Whar a huge disappointment it must be for some of the Iranian people to know that the American president is so sheepish when speaking about the greatest American product.

The evolution of a revolution
Last Monday, three-million Iranians (ostensibly) protested over the way the votes were counted in their Presidential election. By Friday, they were protesting that they can't hold hands in public or wear lipstick; or that women receive beatings from their husbands and they don't like that; and they want to go dancing in nightclubs and listen to the music they like, not the stuff the mullahs like.

This is a cultural revolution that initially masqueraded as a political one. Blue jeans and cell phones provide the foundations to the changing of Iran.

Meanwhile, the leader of the free world, Barack Obama, refuses to give them their boost in sending them his support, although he continues a tacit statement or two. It is a shameful display.

His impossible laid back nature and lack of engagement makes me worry about our safety.

Thanks for the read.